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A análise dos casos registados na base de dados nacional da vigilância epidemiológica da infeção por VIH e SIDA e
notificados até 30 de junho de 2016, revela que durante o ano 2015 foram diagnosticados em Portugal 990 novos
casos de infeção por VIH, correspondendo a uma taxa de 9,6 novos casos por 105 habitantes, não ajustada para o
atraso da notificação. A maioria dos diagnósticos (99,9%) ocorreu em indivíduos com 15 ou mais anos de idade e
foram diagnosticados 2,7 casos em homens por cada caso identificado em mulheres. A mediana das idades à data
do diagnóstico foi de 39,0 anos e 25,5% dos novos casos foram diagnosticados em indivíduos com idades ≥50 anos.
Contudo, os casos em homens que têm relações sexuais com homens (HSH) apresentaram uma idade mediana mais
baixa (31,0 anos) e correspondem a 69,7% dos casos diagnosticados em indivíduos de idade inferior a 30 anos. À data
da notificação a residência (NUTSII) de 49,3% dos indivíduos situava-se na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (17,3 novos
casos/105 habitantes) e, embora os novos casos com residência na região Norte (19,9%) correspondam à segunda
maior proporção, é a região do Algarve que apresenta a segunda taxa mais elevada de diagnósticos (12,4 novos
casos/105 habitantes). A maioria dos novos casos ocorreu em indivíduos naturais de Portugal (72,0%) e 96,4% das
novas infeções eram causadas por VIH do tipo 1. Manteve-se o predomínio de casos de transmissão heterossexual
verificado nos anos anteriores, no entanto, os casos em HSH corresponderam a 40,5% dos casos em que há infor
mação disponível sobre o modo de transmissão e constituíram, pela primeira vez desde 1984, a maioria dos novos
diagnósticos em homens (53,8%). As características clínicas dos novos casos de infeção indicam que a maioria era
assintomática (70,6%) e que em 15,0% dos casos houve um diagnóstico concomitante de SIDA. De acordo com os
valores de CD4 da primeira avaliação clínica, disponíveis em 79,3% dos casos, 49,0% apresentaram-se tardiamente
(CD4<350 cél/mm3) e 30,0% com doença avançada (CD4<200 cél/mm3).
Durante o ano 2015 foram também diagnosticados 238 novos casos de SIDA em indivíduos com idade ≥15 anos
(2,3 casos/105 habitantes). A idade mediana nos casos de SIDA foi de 45,0 anos, a maioria dos novos casos ocorreu
em heterossexuais, a pneumonia por Pneumocystis foi a doença definidora de SIDA mais frequentemente referida
no total dos casos e nos casos de transmissão sexual e a tuberculose pulmonar foi diagnosticada mais vezes em
Foram notificados ao Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge 192 óbitos ocorridos em 2015, em pessoas
com infeção por VIH. A maioria (75,5%) registou-se em homens, a idade mediana à data do óbito foi de 52,0 anos, o
maior número de mortes ocorreu em casos de transmissão heterossexual (51,0%) e foi também neste grupo que se
verificou a maior proporção de óbitos nos cinco anos subsequentes ao diagnóstico de infeção por VIH (34,7%).
Encontram-se notificados em Portugal 54297 casos de infeção por VIH, dos quais 21177 em estadio SIDA, com
diagnóstico entre 1983 e 2015 e a análise das tendências temporais revela que as taxas de novos diagnósticos de
infeção por VIH e de SIDA decrescem progressivamente desde 2008. Entre 2005 e 2014 observou-se uma redução de
50,0% no número de novos casos de infeção por VIH e de 69,3% em novos casos de SIDA. Ainda no mesmo período,
verificou-se uma redução de 66,6% no número de novos casos que se apresentaram em estadio SIDA à data do
diagnóstico de infeção. Não obstante esta tendência decrescente, Portugal tem apresentado as mais elevadas taxas
de novos casos de infeção VIH e SIDA da Europa ocidental.
Se é causa de preocupação o número de novos diagnósticos de infeção por VIH em HSH em Portugal, dos quais
uma elevada proporção ocorre em jovens e muitos correspondem a infeções adquiridas recentemente, evidenciando
a necessidade de serem adotadas estratégias mais eficazes e inovadoras de difusão de informação relacionada com a
prevenção direcionadas a este grupo, o número de diagnósticos tardios, particularmente nos heterossexuais, constitui
também motivo de apreensão e motiva ao empenho de todos os profissionais de saúde na melhoria das estratégias
para aumentar o diagnóstico precoce e reduzir a fração não diagnosticada.
Ao longo dos 30 anos de existência do sistema de vigilância epidemiológica para a infeção por VIH e SIDA no país tra
balhou-se no sentido de alargar, diversificar e melhorar a qualidade da informação recolhida e difundida. Não obstante,
este processo de melhoria deve ser contínuo e carece do empenho de todos os intervenientes.
In 2015, 990 new HIV infection cases were diagnosed in Portugal and reported to the national database for HIV and AIDS at the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), corresponding to a rate of 9.6 new cases/105 inhabitants, not adjusted for reporting delay. Most of those diagnoses (99.9%) occurred in individuals 15 years of age or older and were 2.7 times more frequent in men than in women. The median age of recently diagnosed individuals was 39.0 years and in 25.5% of the cases subjects were aged 50 years or older. However, men who have sex with men (MSM) were younger than other individuals (median age=31.0 years) and correspond to 69.7% of cases diagno sed in individuals under the age of 30 years. 49.3% of subjects with a new diagnose of HIV infection resided in Lisbon Metropolitan Area (NUTSII -PT17) (17.3 new cases / 105 inhabitants) and though cases with residency in the North region (19.9%) correspond to the second largest proportion, Algarve region presented the second larger rate of diagno ses (12.4 new cases/105 inhabitants). The majority of cases occurred in subjects born in Portugal (72.0%) and 96.4% of the new infections were caused by type 1 virus. As observed in previous years, cases of heterosexual transmission prevailed; however, cases in MSM account for 40.5% of the cases in which information on transmission route is available and, for the first time since 1984, for the majority of the new diagnoses in men (53.8%). Clinical characteristics of the new cases of infection indicate that the majority was asymptomatic (70.6%) and that a concurrent AIDS diagnosis occurred in 15.0% of cases. CD4 counts at first clinical evaluation, available in 79.3% of the cases, showed 49.0% of cases with <350 cells/mm3, synonym of late presentation, and 30.0% of cases with <200 cells/mm3, classified as advanced disease. Two hundred and thirty eight new AIDS cases were diagnosed in individuals aged ≥15 years (2.3 cases/105 inhabi tants) during 2015. The median age for AIDS cases was 45.0 years, most of the new cases occurred in heterosexuals, Pneumocystis pneumonia was the AIDS-defining illness most frequently reported in all cases and in cases with sexual transmission, pulmonary tuberculosis was more often diagnosed among drug addicts cases. In 2015, 192 deaths occurred in subjects with HIV infection and were reported to INSA. The majority (75.5%) of the deceased was men, the median age at the date of death was 52.0 years, 51.0% of deaths were in cases with hetero sexual transmission, group in which the highest proportion of deaths occurring in the five years following diagnosis of HIV infection was found (34.7%). A total of 54297 cases of HIV infection, of those 21177 AIDS cases, diagnosed between 1983 and 2015, have been reported in Portugal. Temporal trends show that rates of new HIV infection cases and AIDS diagnoses have declined steadily since 2008. A reduction of 50.0% in the number of new HIV cases and 69.3% in new AIDS cases was observed between 2005 and 2014. In the same period, there was also a 66.6% reduction in the number of concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnosis. Despite this downward trend, for a long time Portugal exhibits the highest rates of new HIV cases and AIDS in Western Europe. While the number of new diagnoses of HIV infection in MSM in Portugal, of which a high proportion occurs in young people and many correspond to newly acquired infections, is a cause of concern, and highlights the need for more effective and innovative strategies for diffusion of prevention messages in this group, the number of late diagnoses, particularly in heterosexuals, is also cause for apprehension and should motivate the commitment of all health profes sionals in improving strategies to increase early diagnosis and decrease the undiagnosed fraction. In the 30 years of the Portuguese HIV and AIDS surveillance system many efforts have been made to broaden, diversify and improve the quality of information collected and disseminated. Nevertheless, this improvement process must be continuous and requires the commitment of all stakeholders.
In 2015, 990 new HIV infection cases were diagnosed in Portugal and reported to the national database for HIV and AIDS at the National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), corresponding to a rate of 9.6 new cases/105 inhabitants, not adjusted for reporting delay. Most of those diagnoses (99.9%) occurred in individuals 15 years of age or older and were 2.7 times more frequent in men than in women. The median age of recently diagnosed individuals was 39.0 years and in 25.5% of the cases subjects were aged 50 years or older. However, men who have sex with men (MSM) were younger than other individuals (median age=31.0 years) and correspond to 69.7% of cases diagno sed in individuals under the age of 30 years. 49.3% of subjects with a new diagnose of HIV infection resided in Lisbon Metropolitan Area (NUTSII -PT17) (17.3 new cases / 105 inhabitants) and though cases with residency in the North region (19.9%) correspond to the second largest proportion, Algarve region presented the second larger rate of diagno ses (12.4 new cases/105 inhabitants). The majority of cases occurred in subjects born in Portugal (72.0%) and 96.4% of the new infections were caused by type 1 virus. As observed in previous years, cases of heterosexual transmission prevailed; however, cases in MSM account for 40.5% of the cases in which information on transmission route is available and, for the first time since 1984, for the majority of the new diagnoses in men (53.8%). Clinical characteristics of the new cases of infection indicate that the majority was asymptomatic (70.6%) and that a concurrent AIDS diagnosis occurred in 15.0% of cases. CD4 counts at first clinical evaluation, available in 79.3% of the cases, showed 49.0% of cases with <350 cells/mm3, synonym of late presentation, and 30.0% of cases with <200 cells/mm3, classified as advanced disease. Two hundred and thirty eight new AIDS cases were diagnosed in individuals aged ≥15 years (2.3 cases/105 inhabi tants) during 2015. The median age for AIDS cases was 45.0 years, most of the new cases occurred in heterosexuals, Pneumocystis pneumonia was the AIDS-defining illness most frequently reported in all cases and in cases with sexual transmission, pulmonary tuberculosis was more often diagnosed among drug addicts cases. In 2015, 192 deaths occurred in subjects with HIV infection and were reported to INSA. The majority (75.5%) of the deceased was men, the median age at the date of death was 52.0 years, 51.0% of deaths were in cases with hetero sexual transmission, group in which the highest proportion of deaths occurring in the five years following diagnosis of HIV infection was found (34.7%). A total of 54297 cases of HIV infection, of those 21177 AIDS cases, diagnosed between 1983 and 2015, have been reported in Portugal. Temporal trends show that rates of new HIV infection cases and AIDS diagnoses have declined steadily since 2008. A reduction of 50.0% in the number of new HIV cases and 69.3% in new AIDS cases was observed between 2005 and 2014. In the same period, there was also a 66.6% reduction in the number of concurrent HIV and AIDS diagnosis. Despite this downward trend, for a long time Portugal exhibits the highest rates of new HIV cases and AIDS in Western Europe. While the number of new diagnoses of HIV infection in MSM in Portugal, of which a high proportion occurs in young people and many correspond to newly acquired infections, is a cause of concern, and highlights the need for more effective and innovative strategies for diffusion of prevention messages in this group, the number of late diagnoses, particularly in heterosexuals, is also cause for apprehension and should motivate the commitment of all health profes sionals in improving strategies to increase early diagnosis and decrease the undiagnosed fraction. In the 30 years of the Portuguese HIV and AIDS surveillance system many efforts have been made to broaden, diversify and improve the quality of information collected and disseminated. Nevertheless, this improvement process must be continuous and requires the commitment of all stakeholders.
Infecção VIH/SIDA Informação Epidemiológica Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis Doenças Infeciosas Saúde Pública Portugal
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP